Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Alys Design Favourites

Just to get started and for everyone to learn a little bit about myself ...

Here are some of my favourite interior design ideas for residental homes ...

1) Accent Wall Paper
    Any wall paper with colour, pattern, and/or texture 
can be used to dress up any accent wall. I love this application because
it draws attention to the wall and the objects surrounding the wall and adds visual interest
to a plain wall.
 2) Chandelier and/or Pendant Lighting
I love large but porportional pieces of interesting lighting fixtures, such as, chandeliers and/ or
pendant lighting (fixtures that hang from the ceiling). Its makes the space more intimate by
providing close lighting and adds visual interest to the space.

3) Accent Colours & Patterns
I love playful colours and patterns to fabrics on furniture, pillows, window coverings, etc. It creates
visual interest in the space. The choices of patterns and colours, can help
distinguish the type of style or pesonality one is trying to display in a space. It makes
the space mnore inviting and exciting to want to be in and use.

4) Wall Paneling
I love the dramatic texture and visual interest wall paneling does to plain walls.
Wall paneling can be applied and designed in traditional, modern or contemporary styles.

5) Granite and/or Marble Countertops
Granite and/or Marble Countertops are a great investment. The natural stone is
durable, resistant to damage, long lasting and not to mention, GORGEOUS colours and styles.
Granite and/or Marble are not only used for countertop applications,but also used for
visual interest. As seen in the above picture, the marble has been used as a side panel for the
countertop area.
Appropriate Application Areas:
1) Granite - Kitchen and/or Bathrooms
2) Marble - Bathrooms only (Marble is very porous and can easily stain, unlike granite)

6) Sustainable "Green" Design
The trend for Sustainable Design has flourished over the years and designers
have incorporated environmentally friendly objects and products into
their design schemes. Some of these items consist of
recyclable materials, refourbished materials, low admitting chemical off gasing,
energy efficient lighting, appliances, etc.

Just a start into sharing some of my favourite design concepts and ideas.

Hope you enjoyed.


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